Netcoins is the first publicly owned crypto trading platform in Canada to be fully regulated.
My role: Product designer
My responsibility is to design a dashboard that can scale as our asset and feature offering increases and at the same time provide more utility to the users to increase our retention rate.
The Redesign
We aimed to create a dashboard redesign that met these criteria:
1.Make sure that the dashboard displays relevant data as clearly as possible. 2.Make certain that any complex data is simplified for users.
3.Ensure that the dashboard provides a clear user interface that conveys meaning to users.
The Redesign
To unify the mobile app and web app, we tried to use the same elements and similar styles, but due to code limitations and resource constraints, some elements cannot be changed with this redesign. I could not alter the cards in the header portion of the web app, so I decided to house the carousel within it to keep the hierarchy the same. Portfolio Overview cards and balance cards are kept to a similar pattern on web and mobile apps to provide a more consistent experience.
For the new dashboard, we used a layered design for the information architecture. Reduce clutter on the dashboard so only important pieces of information are shown to the users, reducing the cognitive load on the user. Utilizing filters so the users have more control over the data. And because it is now layered and interactive, we have the opportunity to capture more data on the user’s interaction, building a foundation for data-driven decisions in the future.
This project was initiated by the team and not by executives, making it hard to convince other developers that this project had a business impact and not just a simple redesign. Efforts are still being made to communicate the importance and the impact it will have on the overall user experience and can help with company’s retention metrics.